Interview with God - Ask God what you want. Headline Animator

Monday, January 10, 2011

Want to live 200 years? It is possible. But you need to have plans for 200 years.

Thus says the Lord - you can not live up to 200 years, if your plans are designed for 5-10 years.

To live this long to really want it. Need to know exactly why you need so long to live? In what sense? What will you do for so long? Why does your body need so long to be in working condition?
Because if you do not need, then the logical question arises - why then live? This is the logic of your brain, which controls all the physical, biological processes, including the aging process in your body.

If you do not have serious reasons to live for a long time, your brain will think that you are deceiving themselves. Do not fool yourself and others. Find yourself a major reason for what you need to live to 150 years. Remember, your brain thinks, want to live, it's not the reason for the longevity. Just live, it's not the reason for the longevity.
Your brain thinks that should live for the sake of what is the main goal, to live you need to make a very important project.
If you can, your brain will give you that opportunity.
It is your brain gives your body the command to self-destruct. If your brain to believe you that you're still ahead, and you just have to live another 100 years, it will give you that opportunity.

In this case, your brain is in every way to slow down the aging process and self-destruction. Such features in the human brain are available. But man does not know how to use it. Because a person today has no purpose, for which the required 150, 200, 300. All rights plans can be implemented within 5-10 years. Therefore, the brain and considered - if there is no purpose for 150-200 years, there is no need to live so long. Why live on if there is no purpose? Why live on if there is no reason? Therefore, the brain and gives a command - it's time to rest, you have already done all that was capable of ...
How can a person, convinces the brain, one must live a very long time?
This is a long process, but it is accessible to almost everyone. I will tell you how to do it.

  Continued to be

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