Interview with God - Ask God what you want. Headline Animator

Monday, December 27, 2010

Thus saith God - Why God created the Devil - Satan? - Part -1 (The answer to the reader)

Thus saith God - Why God created the Devil - Satan? - Part -1

(The answer to the reader)

The question the reader:

- Why did God created the world, has created and the Devil - Satan? What is the purpose of God in the creation of the devil? A world without the Devil, no better than the world with the Devil?
And if God is really omnipotent, why goodness (God), fights against evil (the Devil)? Not it would be easier just to destroy it, if God is omnipotent, and the Devil - Satan evil? If God is omnipotent, and Satan - the Devil evil, then by logic God must destroy him. But this is not happening. Why? There are three options:
1. The first and most innocent version - the Devil is not as bad as they say, and God does not want to destroy it.
2. Second, is a terrible option - God is not omnipotent, as they say, and he can not beat the Devil. And what will be the result of the battle between good and evil knows no one.

3. The most terrible option. - The devil is actually a very great evil. And God Almighty. But God does not want to destroy the Devil. God want a world ruled by the Devil.

Dear God, which of these responses reflect the true state of affairs in heaven? Which answer is closer to the truth?

God's answer:      Part 1

It is true that everything created by God. But God did not create the Devil. The devil made the man himself. The devil does not exist in your world. The devil does not exist in other worlds. It simply does not exist.
But the man sure - the devil exists. If people believe that the Devil exists, then in fact the Devil exists. This Devil is hiding inside the person. God did not put the Devil into a man.
Creation of the Devil, it would not be a fair solution. The devil can destroy your life. But God love life. God love the man. But most importantly, God is just.

God gave man freedom. And man is free to go his own way. If a person goes for the Devil, this is also his choice. A person chooses how and where to go. But on which path a person depends on what he will arrive at the end. This person will be resurrected? Will remain forever in oblivion? It all depends on what path he chose.

Do not go for the Devil. The devil does not exist. It is a mirage that leads nowhere.
Do not be afraid of the Devil. Because fear the Devil this is one way of following the Devil. The devil that sits inside of you, feeds on fear of man.
Do not try to destroy the Devil. Do not try to get rid of the Devil. You'll fight with itself.
Forget about the Devil. Forget about the war between good and evil. This battle does not exist. Good does not exist. Evil does not exist. There is a God, there is a world created by God. There are people created by God, who lives in this world. And this person has the right to choose. If you want the world there was no evil, do not choose evil. Because, in itself, evil does not exist. Its just not there. God did not create evil.
Do not choose evil, it means no harm to anyone.

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